Anna Barbieri

Publications and preprints

The pdf version is the most updated and might contain minor corrections with respect to the arxiv version.

  1. A smooth compactification of spaces of stability conditions: the case of the An-quiver, with Martin Möller, and Jeonghoon So, submitted.
    Available version: arXiv.

  2. Spaces of Stability Conditions in Representation Theory, submitted for the Proceedings of the XX ICRA.
    Available version: pdf.

  3. Quadratic differentials as stability conditions: collapsing subsurfaces, with Martin Möller, Yu Qiu, and Jeonghoon So,
    Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (2024).
    Available versions: journal, arXiv, pdf.

  4. A quantized Riemann-Hilbert problem in Donaldson-Thomas theory, with Tom Bridgeland and Jacopo Stoppa,
    International Mathematics Research Notice, Vol. 2022, No. 5, 3417–3456 (2022).
    Available versions: journal, arXiv, pdf.

  5. A Riemann-Hilbert problem for uncoupled BPS structures,
    Manuscripta Mathematica, 162, 1–21 (2020).
    Avaliable versions: journal, arXiv, pdf.

  6. A construction of Frobenius manifolds from stability conditions, with Jacopo Stoppa and Tom Sutherland,
    Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 118 (6), 1328-1366 (2019).
    Available versions: journal, arXiv, pdf.

  7. Frobenius type and CV-structures for Donaldson-Thomas theory and a convergence property, with Jacopo Stoppa,
    Communications in Analysis and Geometry, Vol. 27, No. 2 (2019).
    Available versions: journal, arXiv, pdf.

Phd Thesis: "Frobenius type structures and manifolds from stability conditions on quiver categories" .


Tom Bridgeland, Martin Möller, Yu Qiu, Jeonghoon So, Jacopo Stoppa, Tom Sutherland.


Representation theory in Verona,
Complex Algebraic Geometry group at Milano Statale,
Sheffield Algebraic Geometry & Mathematical Physics group.

My Google Scholar profile.