Cluster Colloquium, a monthly online seminar on research topics related to cluster algebras and cluster varieties.
June 2025, Symposium on quivers, algebras and representation theory, Trento (Italy)
29/01/2025, LAGOON webinar, online, title A compactification of the stability space for the An-quiver
16/01/2025, New directions in group theory and triangulated categories, online, title A smooth compactification of the stability space for the An-quiver
08-12/07/2024, Simple-mindedness, silting and stability, Ambleside, Lake District, UK, title 3CY categories from surfaces under Verdier quotient.
26/05-15/06/2024, Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook, title Multi-scale stability conditions for An-Ginzburg categories.
20/03/2024, TRINO seminar, SISSA, Trieste, title Moduli spaces of Bridgeland stability conditions and of quadratic differentials.
07/12/2023, FD seminar (online), title Multi-scale stability conditions on An-Ginzburg categories.
01/12/2023, Algebraic Geometry in Pavia: Young Perspectives, title Moduli spaces of stability conditions and of quadratic differentials.
05-16/11/2023, JTP at HMI Bonn Algebraic geometry: derived categories, Hodge theory, and Chow groups, Derived workshop, title Moduli spaces of stability conditions and of quadratic differentials.
04-09/09/2023, Congresso UMI, Pisa, title Quozienti di categorie di Ginzburg.
6-7/06/2023, Nouveau seminaire ALPE, Toulouse, title Moduli spaces of Bridgeland stability conditions and of multi-differentials.
19/04/2023, MAlgA seminars, Padova, title Categories from marked surfaces and their exchange graphs.
ICRA 2022, title Spaces of Bridgeland stability conditions.