Anna Barbieri


Cluster Colloquium, a monthly online seminar on research topics related to cluster algebras and cluster varieties.

Upcoming conferences, talks, and research visits

June 2025, Symposium on quivers, algebras and representation theory, Trento (Italy)

Recent talks and visits


29/01/2025, LAGOON webinar, online, title A compactification of the stability space for the An-quiver

16/01/2025, New directions in group theory and triangulated categories, online, title A smooth compactification of the stability space for the An-quiver


08-12/07/2024, Simple-mindedness, silting and stability, Ambleside, Lake District, UK, title 3CY categories from surfaces under Verdier quotient.

26/05-15/06/2024, Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook, title Multi-scale stability conditions for An-Ginzburg categories.

20/03/2024, TRINO seminar, SISSA, Trieste, title Moduli spaces of Bridgeland stability conditions and of quadratic differentials.


07/12/2023, FD seminar (online), title Multi-scale stability conditions on An-Ginzburg categories.

01/12/2023, Algebraic Geometry in Pavia: Young Perspectives, title Moduli spaces of stability conditions and of quadratic differentials.

05-16/11/2023, JTP at HMI Bonn Algebraic geometry: derived categories, Hodge theory, and Chow groups, Derived workshop, title Moduli spaces of stability conditions and of quadratic differentials.

04-09/09/2023, Congresso UMI, Pisa, title Quozienti di categorie di Ginzburg.

6-7/06/2023, Nouveau seminaire ALPE, Toulouse, title Moduli spaces of Bridgeland stability conditions and of multi-differentials.

19/04/2023, MAlgA seminars, Padova, title Categories from marked surfaces and their exchange graphs.

Lecture series

ICRA 2022, title Spaces of Bridgeland stability conditions.

Activities organized