Anna Barbieri

Publications and preprints

The pdf version is the most updated and might contain minor corrections if it does not coincide with the arxiv version.

  1. Verdier quotients of Calabi-Yau categories from quivers with potential, with Yu Qiu.
    Available version: arXiv.

  2. A smooth compactification of spaces of stability conditions: the case of the An-quiver, with Martin Möller, and Jeonghoon So, to appear in Forum of Mathematics, Sigma.
    Available version: arXiv.

  3. Spaces of Stability Conditions in Representation Theory, to appear in the Proceedings Volume of the 20th ICRA.
    Available version: arXiv, pdf.

  4. Quadratic differentials as stability conditions: collapsing subsurfaces, with Martin Möller, Yu Qiu, and Jeonghoon So,
    Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (2024).
    Available versions: journal, arXiv, pdf.

  5. A quantized Riemann-Hilbert problem in Donaldson-Thomas theory, with Tom Bridgeland and Jacopo Stoppa,
    International Mathematics Research Notice, Vol. 2022, No. 5, pp 3417–3456 (2022).
    Available versions: journal, arXiv, pdf.

  6. A Riemann-Hilbert problem for uncoupled BPS structures,
    Manuscripta Mathematica, Vol. 162, pp 1–21 (2020).
    Avaliable versions: journal, arXiv, pdf.

  7. A construction of Frobenius manifolds from stability conditions, with Jacopo Stoppa and Tom Sutherland,
    Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, Vol. 118 (6), pp 1328-1366 (2019).
    Available versions: journal, arXiv, pdf.

  8. Frobenius type and CV-structures for Donaldson-Thomas theory and a convergence property, with Jacopo Stoppa,
    Communications in Analysis and Geometry, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp 287–327 (2019).
    Available versions: journal, arXiv, pdf.

Phd Thesis: "Frobenius type structures and manifolds from stability conditions on quiver categories" .


Tom Bridgeland, Martin Möller, Yu Qiu, Jeonghoon So, Jacopo Stoppa, Tom Sutherland.


Representation theory in Verona,
Complex Algebraic Geometry group at Milano Statale,
Sheffield Algebraic Geometry & Mathematical Physics group.

My Google Scholar profile.